Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 2010

Email: lasue@wn.com.au http://www.murchisonboathire.com.au/

The big event this month was the Kalbarri Sports Fishing Classic. We enter each year in the 6.1m boat and have won Champion Boat Game 6-7m 6 times in a row, but this year we got knocked off by another boat, “Couta Crazy”. They travelled a very long way to find fish but got into them and won. Well done to Don Stander and his team.
Full results and photos are available from www.kalbarri.org.au/pages/fishing-whale-watching/
Hires are beginning to pick up now that the weather is improving and the northern fishing season starts.
I am glad that I got 2 more boats and can now supply enough without disappointing
some keen anglers.
The mackerel are big this year, with 10-12kg fish at the start of the season and 15kg fish
turning up fairly often this month. Plague proportions of small tuna abound out there with a few big ones between them. You can see from the classic report that there are some
good bottom fish around as well.
Never caught a fish on a lure before!
Michael Doan saw the good weather and good fish caught during the Classic and dropped in wanting a boat.

I sent him out with the 6.5m on the Sunday, last day of the Classic, with instruction to fish the ever reliable Sand Patch.
Michael and his group had never caught a fish on a lure before, but it did not take long before landing and losing
a few mackerel and tuna. He enjoyed it so much that he took the boat for a second day, repeating his experience but landing them this time, ending up with 5 mackerel and a tuna!

Special thanks to Laurie and Sue...
Thanks for hiring the boat to us we all had a fantastic time.
I highly recommend your company to everyone.
Cheers for teaching us how to hook up and where to go, fantastic GPS points
The family and I are now planning our 2nd trip back.
So the boat better be free he he he.
(P.S. can’t stop thinking about the tuna and mackerel)

Preparation pays off
David Brest was up last year and had such a good trip that he returned with a couple of mates, Henry Sommers and
Cesere Murcuri, hiring the 7.8m boat and taking advantage of the accommodation package as well.
David was well prepared this trip, emailing me a few times to make sure he had the right stuff, right rigs and lures etc.
He even asked me to custom build him a very nice Grafcast 2 rock fishing rod and he matched it with a Stella 10000.

First day out he christened the Stella, mounted on an Ugly Stick for boat use, with a chunky mackerel.
David’s mackerel that was taken with his new Stella 10000

and the ultra smooth drag spinning on the Stella 10000 reel.
Birds and bait were everywhere and it was not long until the bigger tuna had a crack at the lures

Henry Sommer holds his first ocean caught fish, biggest fish ever, an 11kg yellow-fin. Cesere Mercuri right above, holds his
great catch, a 14kg yellow-fin taken on a flick rod with 14lb braid and a lead baitfish pattern lure. Quite a meritorious catch after
30 minutes of chasing in the boat and to make things worse, being tail wrapped! See the “Bite of the Month” story below.

The days catch of 3 mackerel and 2 yellow-fin tuna.

They also got into some bottom fish, but the weather was very limiting.

A great session chasing & catching 6
small yellow-fin tuna with flick rods and small metals was a highlight of the trip.

How’s this for a mulloway!

Cliffy from South Africa sent me this pic of an estimated 66kg 1.83m long mulloway.
Caught near East London a town on the East Coast. It was revived and released.
They sure get them big over there!

I took my renovated outriggers out for a trial run looking for one of the big tuna that were landed during the
Classic by a boat that was not in the comp. The big yellow-fin weighed in at 44kgs.
I tested big marlin lures; small pushers etc but the fish did not test the outriggers back!
Never the less they work fine and I will be using them on my marlin trip to Exmouth in late April.
They will also be offered as an optional extra to anyone who wants to hire them for marlin and sailfish trips up north.
Optional extras?
It is particularly hard to take an interesting pic of a set of outriggers, but this is what one looks like!
And this is what a 44kg yellow-fin looks like

Bite of the month
Bite of the month goes to Cesere Mercuri, catching this 14kg yellow-fin tuna
on a flick rod and 14lb braid. A lead bait fish pattern lure was cast to a school of
yellow-fin hanging around the boat. The hook-up was followed by a searing run peeling all the braid off
& down to near the end of the mono backing. Chasing with the boat he managed to get most back and then
an agonising 30 minutes later the tail wrapped tuna was gaffed aboard. A great catch on light gear.
See all the previous Bite of the Month winners on my website.

Kalbarri Offshore & Angling Club Monthly Comp.
Sunday 21st March

After a week of very ordinary weather with a 2 metre swell that dirtied the water, we had our
local comp on a very nice day with light winds and low swell for a change.
Lots of good fish got caught and we tried for mackerel but as the water was still too dirty, gave up quickly & headed out looking for tuna. There were lots around!

Sue landed one on 3kg line, Jason got one on 2kg line and I had the best day landing 5 tuna all on 2kg line, trolling and flicking chrome slices, adding 916 points to my yearly tally! We all lost a lot with bust offs,
and pulled hooks so it was a full action packed day.

A lot of big snapper, cobia and mulloway were also landed!

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